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From loan debts to becoming business-adept ? Aditya Kale?s inspiring story

It’s said that “the mark of a sportsman is not how good he is at his best, but how good he is at his worst”. This quote aptly describes the journey of Aditya Kale, a Pune-based successful entrepreneur, who had earlier donned the mantle of a professional cricket player. When it came to business, Aditya was very clear about what he wanted: he wanted to make it his way of life. But before taking the plunge, he felt it was crucial to get some valuable work experience under his belt. And so began his journey.

To reach the top, you have to start at the bottom

While completing his education, Aditya started working with Hindustan Bakery. He first worked in the bakery’s manufacturing unit, before moving on to handling its outlets and undertaking various responsibilities like managing accounts, marketing and customer relations. The experience he got here was invaluable, and played to his advantage later on. Aditya’s capabilities to complete all responsibilities single-handedly landed him an offer from Hindustan Bakery to start his own outlet. After thorough research and analysis, he narrowed down on a location for the outlet and launched it. The franchise started raking in money, and soon, he got another business offer. With many franchises to his name, he felt it was now time to do more – to plan and start his own business. He had already decided what it would be – a coffee and snacks shop, and he quickly zeroed down on an ideal location for it.

Trapped by debts and hasty decisions

But this is where Aditya faltered. To start the business, he took huge loans from various people, overlooking the consequences he’d face if he was unable to return the money. His business started generating revenue, but there was never enough to pay back the debts. Soon, he was trapped under a growing mountain of IOUs. His business venture was soon turning into his worst nightmare.

There’s light at the end of every tunnel.

That was when a friend suggested he approach deAsra Foundation, insisting it was the only way out of his financial tangle. Aditya made his way to deAsra’s office and took an appointment with our experts, who advised him on various financial matters. Aditya quickly realised that he taken loans too hastily, which was an extremely irresponsible business decision. The deAsra experts taught him to chalk out his tasks responsibly, backed by careful thought and logic. They also helped him generate a project report and supported him throughout his loan application process. With deAsra’s help, Aditya finally got a loan sanctioned, in line with his financial requirements.

The harder you fall, the stronger you rise.

Today, with immense support from his family, Aditya runs Lazzat Pure Veg, a snacks outlet. His business has now begun a bright new chapter and holds great potential for expansion. The deAsra team is proud of his strong comeback and wishes him the best of luck for his future endeavours.


deAsra Foundation offers end-to- end support and guidance to emerging and existing entrepreneurs in the small scale sector. To date, we have helped 100+ entrepreneurs grow and nurture their new and existing businesses into successful businesses. Thinking of starting out as an entrepreneur? Reach out to us at 020 – 65365300/11 for personalised guidance and help.

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