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Digital Marketing Marathi Checklist

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Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email and their websites to connect with current and prospective customers. This can also be referred to as ‘online marketing’, ‘internet marketing’ or ‘web marketing’. In simple terms, any form of marketing that exists online is called ‘Digital Marketing’.
Digital Marketing process broadly involves the following steps:

  • Research
  • Plan and Strategize
  • Implement
  • Measure and Audit
  • Optimize

deAsra Business Listing

deAsra offers an exciting opportunity for small business owners to connect with other entrepreneurs under one roof. Get listed on our website and connect & network with other business owners across the country.

deAsra Business Listing service lets you receive enquiries from your same sector & cross sector entrepreneurs. Expand your network and come one step closer to success.


business expansion plan

DigiPreneur is an entrepreneur who is digitally equipped for his business. While running a business, an entrepreneur can ease various business processes with an introduction of digital solutions. Mainly the product listing, product management, visibility to prospective customers, reaching to existing and new customers and receiving payment or making payments are few areas where digitization can do wonders.

Paid Campaign Management

Paid campaign management can be an effective opportunity to expand your brand reach, get more clicks, and generate more traffic. Ultimately, by sponsoring content, you will be able to reach a larger audience, including those who may have been skipped otherwise.

Cash Flow Management

Cash flow management for business is the process of monitoring, analysing, and optimizing the net amount of cash receipts minus the cash expenses.

GST Returns Filing

A hassle-free service which will help you with filing all the monthly, quarterly and yearly GST Returns depending on your business. Get your business GST compliant.

Guidelines to Grow your Online Coaching Classes Business

business expansion plan

With technological advancements, the educational sector has drastically changed over the past few years. Since the pandemic, online courses have become the preferred mode of learning. The pandemic has forced schools, training institutions, universities and companies to work remotely and this has improved the usage of online learning. There are numerous online learning platforms in the market and this increases competition. Hence, the platforms or coaching classes need to use innovative teaching methods and upgrade their knowledge continuously to grow their business.

Guidelines For Restarting Jewellery And Clothing Business

business expansion plan

With the unexpected global situation, most of the businesses have been affected. The demand for essential as well as non-essential services has reduced. Fashion and Jewellery are typically considered as non-essentials and this makes it more challenging for such businesses to get back to normal.

Udyam Registration Checklist

Udyam Registration is an identification number which is issued to businesses who want to get registered as a “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)” enterprise. Based on the investment and turnover of the business it will get classified into the right category i.e. Micro or Medium or Small enterprise.

Guidelines For Restarting Beauty Business

business expansion plan

Beauty services are highly personalized services wherein maintaining social distancing is quite challenging. A beauty business must at all times ensure that necessary hygiene and safety measures are being followed.